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The Champions League


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March Madness – Picks Due Thursday, March 20th

Rule book:

1.  The tie break shall consist of picking a week of NFL games against the spread, Thursday games not included.

2.  Golfers selected for the US Open cannot be used in the British Open.  Tennis players selected in Wimbledon cannot be used at the US Open. 

League History:  Dave 3-1-2, Arick 1-4-1, Joe 2-1-3

2024:  Joe*, Arick, Dave (Tie Breaker)

2023:  Dave*, Arick, Joe (Tie Breaker)

2022:  Arick, Dave, Joe

2021:  Dave*, Joe, Arick (Tie Breaker)

2020:  Dave, Arick, Joe

2019:  Joe, Arick, Dave